A blue background with a stained glass picture of a lamb.

Lamb of God – Midweek Lenten Services

The Season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 6.

You are invited to join your Brothers & Sisters in Christ on this annual 40-day pilgrimage with Jesus to His cross. The theme of our midweek meditations will be Lamb of God and will be structured around the Lenten hymn, Lamb of God, Pure and Holy. Dinner will be served each Wednesday at 6:00 PM. All Wednesday Services begin at 7:00 PM.

Ash Wednesday, March 6
Lamb of God, Pure and Holy
1 Peter 1:18-19

Wednesday, March 13
Lamb of God, Crucified
1 Corinthians 1:21-25

Wednesday, March 20
Lamb of God, Patient
1 Peter 2:21-24

Wednesday, March 27
Lamb of God, Lowly
Philippians 2:5-11

Wednesday, April 3
Lamb of God, Suffering Scorn
Psalm 22:6-8

Wednesday, April 10

Lamb of God, Bearing Our Sins Away
Genesis 22

Lamb of God, pure and holy,
Who on the cross didst suffer,
Ever patient and lowly,
Thyself to scorn didst offer.
All sins Thou borest for us,
Else had despair reigned o’er us:
Have mercy on us, O Jesus! O Jesus!

Pastor VanOsdol

A person holding a camera with the words " time and talent support " written on top of it.

2020 Time and Talents Survey

The Time And Talents Survey is now live!

“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ…Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.†(1 Cor 12:12,27)

Christian stewardship is the free and joyous activity of God’s family — the church — in managing life’s resources for His purposes. Immanuel members and friends have diverse gifts that are collectively of great value to our congregation and the community we serve.

What are your God-given gifts? Please take a moment to help us get to know you better by completing a 5-minute survey at the link below. We invite each family member to participate (adults and young adults middle-school-age and older).

Check all areas in which you think you’d enjoy becoming involved as well as those areas where you have some skill that you can share, or areas where you want to learn and grow! We are collecting this information in order to connect Immanuel members with each other through service in current and potential ministries.

[contact-form to=’[email protected]’ subject=’Time and Talents Survey Question’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Question’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form] 

Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events Presentation


Immanuel is thankful to Captain John Gardner, Ret. for taking the time on Thursday January 31, 2019 to present “Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events” as part of Immanuel’s continuing education and effort to maintain Immanuel Lutheran Church and School campus security. If you were unable to attend, both video and audio of the presentation are available.

YouTube video: https://youtu.be/qmxSMb5jUJY

Podbean podcast audio: https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-s57qy-a6be4e

We ask our Father in heaven, through His Son our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, to preserve Immanuel Lutheran Church and School as a safe place of Christian worship and education, and as a refuge of peace to all who are in need. Amen.

Learn more about the Avoid | Deny | Defendâ„¢ three-step plan for surviving an active shooter event at http://www.avoiddenydefend.org/.

If you would like more information about the CRASE course, please visit https://alerrt.org/page/CivilianResponse.


A hand pointing to the word ministry mapping.

A New Name to Know: Ministry Mapping

As February begins, so does the next Step in the planning process Immanuel has engaged through the Lutheran Church Extension Fund. And one thing to which to alert you is a new name.

Since September, we have been talking about VisionPath: the name for Step One in the planning process that has consisted of the Congregational Survey and Vision Event and culminated in a Vision Statement. This Step has involved much work by the VisionPath Leadership Team that was commissioned, specifically, for this Step in the process. This Step and their work now complete, I want to thank them for their work as we begin the next Step in the process.

As we move forward from VisionPath, the name you will now be hearing is Ministry Mapping. This is the name for Step Two in the planning process. Working with our Facilitator, Rev. Billy Brath, in the last days of January I began work on Ministry Mapping: work that will include developing a mission statement and congregational values and mapping the work the congregation is doing today. Now that we have the Vision Statement, I have some homework:

  • Answering the question what Immanuel Lutheran Church & School needs to be doing to make the Vision Statement a reality?
  • Defining some of the Values of Immanuel Lutheran Church & School

All of this is in preparation for Rev. Brath’s next visit to Immanuel on February 6, when he will meet with me and the staff members currently involved in the daily operations of the church and school.

As there are no events or activities involving the entire congregation for a few weeks, updates on the work going on will be given on Sunday mornings, in Council and Voters’ meetings and in this space. Stay tuned! And thank you for your interest in and enthusiasm for moving forward Immanuel’s mission and ministry!

Pastor VanOsdol

Christmas Traditions

The month of December is awash in traditions, all revolving around our preparation for and celebration of the Nativity of Our Lord. When and how do you decorate the house and the church? What foods must be part of your season and on your Christmas Day table? What family activities define the Christmas season for you?

We love our Christmas traditions, even if we are not sure sometimes how some of them got started.

There are three things that are part of our season that may have had their beginnings in the very first Christmas. On the Wednesday evenings in Advent this year, we will consider these traditions as we see Mary participate in them as recorded by St. Luke in his Gospel:

The focus of this first night (December 5) will be the custom of sending and receiving Christmas letters and announcements: a way of keeping in touch with those we know and love.

Mary, too, received an announcement as she prepared for the very first Christmas. This night, we will hear the glad tidings from the Angel about the reason for this season. In the language of the Church, it is call the Annunciation.

The focus of this night (December 12) will be the custom of visiting during the holiday season, whether to family, friends, neighbors, or coworkers. Visiting is another way of remaining close to those we know and love, no matter how many miles may separate us.

Mary, too, visited family as she prepared for the very first Christmas. This night, we will hear of Mary’s visit to her relative, Elizabeth, and what we learn from it about the reason for this season. In the language of the Church, it is called the Visitation.

The focus of this night (December 19) will be singing and the way Christmas music enhances our celebration of the season.

Mary, too, sang out of her joy over the wonder of the very first Christmas. This night, we will ponder Mary’s Song and what it tells us about the reason for this season. In the language of the Church, it is called the Magnificat.

Pr. VanOsdol

New Choral and Handbell Director

Please welcome Mr. T. Dave Pugh to Immanuel Lutheran Church as Choral and Handbell Director.

Mr. T. Dave Pugh is a graduate of Central Michigan University where he earned both his Bachelor and Master of Music Degrees. He taught band, orchestra, and choir in Michigan for 24 years and in South Carolina for 3. While in college he served his church as the music leader and choir director. Dave has served musically in churches in Michigan for 24 years, including the LCMS denomination. Dave also enjoys teaching personal finance and has led Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University classes since 2006.  Dave is married to Anna Pugh and has 4 grown children and 3 step children.

When you see Dave, please give him a warm welcome and let him know how you can serve Immanuel with your vocal and musical talent. He can be reached by email in the contact form below or call the church office at 864-297-5815 to obtain his cell phone number.

[contact-form to=’[email protected], [email protected]’ subject=’Music Program Inquiry’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

A dirt road with the words visionpath on it.

VisionPath is Underway!

Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

The Lord be with you.

As I write this, work is well underway for the VisionPath planning process to be put into place for Immanuel Lutheran Church!

Led by Co-Chairmen Dave Houghton and Paul Wagenknecht, your VisionPath Leadership Team connected with our Lutheran Church Extension Fund consultant, Rev. Billy Brath, to schedule the events and draft the congregational survey that will help us plan our future ministry.

After Labor Day, things will shift into a higher gear:

  • Our Leadership Team will be commissioned for their service ï‚·
  • The Congregational Survey will be distributed to allow all Immanuel members input regarding the congregation’s ministry ï‚·
  • We will be making preparations for our Congregational Impact Event—to be held in early October—when Pastor Brath will be with us to facilitate our discussion and planning

Every Sunday updates will be given to chart our progress. And watch for information on our website and Facebook page and in your email inbox.

As we thank God for the blessings showered on Immanuel in our past and present, please make every effort to lend your voice to the conversation about Immanuel’s future ministry.

To God alone be the glory!

Pastor VanOsdol

A bell with the words now hiring handbell director.

Handbell Director Job Opening

Immanuel Lutheran Church & School

Simpsonville, South Carolina

Job Description: Handbell Director

Goal of the position:

Support a church music program that includes at least one offering of special music (vocal choir, handbells, instrumentalists, soloists, etc.) each Sunday from September-May.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. Direct a handbell choir in weekly rehearsals in preparation for participation in Sunday Services from September through May.
  2. Prepare the choir for participation in special Services throughout the Church Year, including: Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday (as determined by consultation with Pastor, Organist and Choral Director).
  3. Recruit members to the choir, providing an atmosphere of community and musical learning.
  4. Cooperate with the Pastor, Organist and Choral Director to accomplish planning tasks and provide leadership to the music program.
  5. Perform these duties under the direct responsibility of the Board of Elders and in keeping with the congregation’s annual budget.

Skills and Qualifications:

  1. Experience in handbell conducting, knowledge of appropriate church music and ability to relate to others with good interpersonal skills required.
  2. Music degree and knowledge of the role of music in Lutheran worship preferred, but students and new graduates are invited to apply.


  1. Salary is negotiable and will be based on an expected number of hours per week (September-May) in preparation, rehearsal and performance.
  2. Compensation is paid on the 15th and last day of each month.
  3. Church musician continuing education will be reimbursed up to $250 annually.

Please copy and paste your cover letter and resume below to submit an inquiry about this position. You may be asked to email an electronic copy of your cover letter and resume once your inquiry is received. You may also contact the church office at 864-297-5815.

[contact-form to=’[email protected], [email protected]’ subject=’Handbell Director Job Inquiry’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Cover Letter’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Resume’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

Now hiring choral director.

Choral Director Job Opening

Immanuel Lutheran Church & School
Simpsonville, South Carolina

Job description: Choral Director

Goal of the position:

Support a church music program that includes at least one offering of special music (vocal choir, handbells, instrumentalists, soloists, etc.) each Sunday from September-May.

Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Direct a vocal choir in weekly rehearsals in preparation for participation in Sunday Services from September through May.
2. Prepare the choir for participation in special Services throughout the Church Year, including: Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday (as determined by consultation with Pastor, Organist and Handbell Director).
3. Recruit members to the choir, providing an atmosphere of community and musical learning.
4. Cooperate with the Pastor, Organist and Handbell Director to accomplish planning tasks and provide leadership to the music program.
5. Perform these duties under the direct responsibility of the Board of Elders and in keeping with the congregation’s annual budget.

Skills and Qualifications:

1. Experience in choral conducting, knowledge of appropriate church music and ability to relate to others with good interpersonal skills required.
2. Music degree and knowledge of the role of music in Lutheran worship preferred, but students and new graduates are invited to apply.


1. Salary is negotiable and will be based on an expected number of hours per week (September-May) in preparation, rehearsal and performance.
2. Compensation is paid on the 15th and last day of each month.
3. Church musician continuing education will be reimbursed up to $250 annually.

Please copy and paste your cover letter and resume below to submit an inquiry about this position. You may be asked to email an electronic copy of your cover letter and resume once your inquiry is received. You may also contact the church office at 864-297-5815.

[contact-form to=’[email protected], [email protected]’ subject=’Choral Director Job Inquiry’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Cover Letter’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Resume’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]


Three Holy Days and Easter Schedule

Members & Friends of Immanuel:

The Lord be with you.

Today, the Church begins the journey through the Three Holy Days of Christ’s Passover from death to life and captivity to freedom.

You are invited to observe Maundy Thursday with us in a Service that begins tonight at 7:00 PM. The Maundy Thursday Service consists of the Liturgy of Reconciliation, the Service of the Word, the Service of the Sacrament and the Stripping of the Altar. The Service ends with the Altar and Chancel adornments being removed, while Psalm 22 is chanted, in preparation for Good Friday.

Tomorrow, the Church continues the journey with a Good Friday Service that begins at 7:00 PM. The Good Friday liturgy of Tenebrae (Darkness) features psalms, hymns, and a reading from the Old Testament’s book of Lamentations. This Service of reflection, intercession and quiet meditation ends in darkness as we watch and pray with Our Lord.

Saturday evening at the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd (Get Directions) is the first of the Easter celebrations. The Great Vigil of Easter has ancient roots and features candlelight, Old Testament Readings rehearsing God’s great salvation acts, Baptismal remembrance and the first hearing of the Easter Gospel. This is a joint Service offered by the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod congregations in Greenville (Good Shepherd), Simpsonville (Immanuel), Spartanburg (Lamb of God) and Anderson (Abiding Savior). The Easter Vigil begins at 8:00 PM.

Easter at Immanuel begins with a Sunrise Service at 7:15 AM. This Service will begin outside the front doors of the church and feature a procession into the Sanctuary. The Lord’s Supper will be celebrated.

Easter Breakfast will be served from 8:45-10:00 AM (there will be no Sunday School or Adult Bible Class).

For the children, there will be an Easter Egg Hunt at 9:45 AM.

The Resurrection of Our Lord will again be celebrated in a Festival Service (with Holy Communion) at 10:30 AM on Sunday.

Watch, pray, and celebrate this holiest time of the year with our Lord and with your Immanuel family.  A blessed Holy Week to you.

Pastor VanOsdolÂ