
Experience the joy of serving with others!

Immanuel offers opportunities to serve others in the body of Christ both within and without the Immanuel family. See how you can "through love serve one another." (Galations 5:13)

Music and Choir

Those with musical talents can play and sing in worship services with instruments, handbell choir, and choir.

Health Ministry

The Health Ministry offers free blood pressure monitoring and keeps the congregation informed about health-related topics.

Serve on Sundays

You can serve each Sunday by being a Sunday School teacher, greeter, usher, nursery worker, or part of the Audio/Visual team.

God's Pantry

Donate non-perishable foodstuffs for those in need and work at the pantry.

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The Quilters of Immanuel meet regularly to make lap quilts for the elderly and those in Lutheran hospice.

Braille Ministry

The Lutheran Braille Workers on Immanuel's campus make Braille Bibles for the blind.

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LCMS World Relief and Human Care

Join thousands of LCMS members worldwide in disaster response and other humanitarian missions.

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LCMS Mercy Medical Teams
You can use your medical talents to provide desperately needed health care to thousands of patients in underserved regions around the globe.

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Be part of the Evangelism team at Immanuel as we bring the Gospel of Christ to the community around us.

Lutherans Engage
Learn more about how Lutherans engage in the world by reading the latest news.

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Prayerfully consider what the Holy Spirit is calling you to do in service for Immanuel Lutheran Church and beyond.

Bible passages to read as you pray and consider: Ephesians 2:10, Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 12:8-10, Ephesians 4:11, 1 Peter 4:10-11, John 6:5-13

Connect with the Immanuel Family, see what to expect when you visit on the I'm New page, check out our Beliefs, return to Welcome page, watch a sermon or listen to a Podcast, read Immanuel’s Blog, or read the latest newsletter.