A History of Immanuel Lutheran Church & School
Simpsonville, South Carolina
Our Beginnings
In 1986, members of The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd in Greenville held Bible studies in their homes and out of these gatherings came discussions regarding the establishment of an additional Lutheran church in Greenville, this one serving the areas of Simpsonville and Mauldin. In November of that year, the name Immanuel was chosen for the new mission. On June 7, 1987, Immanuel Lutheran Church in Simpsonville held her first worship Service. Immanuel was received into the membership of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod on April 29, 1988.
Our School
A Preschool was started in February 1994 with one class of 6 students. 10 years later, enrollment had increased to over 60 students. In the 2023-2024 school year—its 31st school year—Immanuel Lutheran School (K1-K4) is serving nearly 130 children and their families in Five Forks and the surrounding community.
Our Pastors
In early 1987, the Rev. Howard Schoenfeldt began serving Immanuel as a regular visiting pastor and part-time mission developer. In June 1989, Immanuel extended a Call to Rev. Paul Sizemore to serve as its first full-time pastor. Rev. Jeff VanOsdol served as Immanuel’s second pastor from 1998-2008. In May 2009, Rev. Gilbert M. Eliason began his service to Immanuel as her third full-time pastor; he served until June 2013. In August 2013, Pastor VanOsdol returned to Immanuel as Interim Pastor and was installed again as Immanuel’s full-time, called Pastor in May 2015.
Fellow Servants
In 2002, Immanuel welcomed an additional full-time staff member as Tim Roggow was installed as Director of Christian Education. In September 2017, Paul Mabrey was installed as a Lay Deacon serving with and among us. In the Fall of 2020, Amy Trudell joined the Immanuel staff as our first Parish Administrator. John Lindemann has filled that role since May 2024. Since retiring from full-time ministry and moving to Greer, Rev. Bob Herrod currently provides occasional service to Immanuel.
Future Servants
In addition to the emphasis on Christian education as evidenced by our school, over the years Immanuel has blessed the Church-at-large by sending some of her men to enroll in the higher education institutions of our Synod, making preparations to be pastors in the LCMS. In 1999, Mark Mueller and his family left Immanuel and moved to Ft. Wayne, Indiana, where Mark enrolled as a student at Concordia Theological Seminary. In 2001, Ryan Mills enrolled at the Ft. Wayne seminary, and in 2003 it was his brother, Jeremy. Currently, Immanuel member Jonathan Anderson is enrolled as a graduate student at the same seminary, having graduated with a Master of Divinity degree in May 2024.
Our Church Campus
In 1986, with the help of the Southeastern District of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, 5 acres of land was purchased along Woodruff Road as a potential church site. In time, another 7 acres, including a 2-story house, was deeded to Immanuel by Mr. & Mrs. Shelton Rimer.
In November 1991, the original 10,000-square-foot structure including Sanctuary, offices, classrooms and kitchen was dedicated.
In 2002, the congregation installed the South African Organ Builders pipe organ, a gift from the Lauterwasser family. Also that year, the congregation built and dedicated the Education addition with the help of Laborers For Christ.
In 2016, Immanuel took steps to pay off her mortgage 4 years early: in thanksgiving to God for His goodness and heartened by the generous giving and strong financial position that is ours because of our members and friends. In May 2017, we celebrated by burning the mortgage. We now own our home called Immanuel Lutheran Church & School and are blessed to be able to use this place and its facilities to shine the light of Christ into the Simpsonville community and beyond. Thanks be to God!
Our New Worship Space
Upon adoption, the 2020 Ministry Plan was analyzed as to campus, building, and facilities needs required to meet its objectives and, in April 2021, the Congregation voted to build a Sanctuary and associated support spaces and to refurbish the existing facility to support Fellowship and School needs.
In October 2021, the congregation began a Capital Campaign to support the building project. Groundbreaking for the new building project took place on September 24, 2023. The new Sanctuary and building were dedicated on June 23, 2024, the new Moller pipe organ on July 7, 2024, and the refurbished facility blessed for use on September 15, 2024.
Our Ministry Plan
In early 2018, Immanuel’s Church Council set in motion plans to answer the question: What will Immanuel’s future mission and ministry look like? In June 2018, Immanuel enlisted the help of the Lutheran Church Extension Fund to embark on the Ministry Clarity planning process to create a Ministry Plan for the future. Throughout 2019, church leadership gathered the ideas of Immanuel members, creating a new vision statement, mapping existing ministries, and identifying new ministry opportunities. A final draft of the Ministry Plan was adopted by the congregation in September 2020 and began being implemented. In the Fall of 2024, a survey of the congregation was conducted and a Strategic Planning Team formed to update this Ministry Plan.
Blessed By God
Those God inspired to found Immanuel Lutheran Church did so with the prayer that He would bless this outpost of His Kingdom in the Five Forks community, and each generation of Immanuel since has sought to build on the foundation received and to add something. More than 35 years after the first meeting of 12 people, God’s blessing is evident as we survey His handiwork. Our greatest blessing is that “God is with us” (“Immanuel”) and we pray that our current plans might continue to bring glory to Him as it shines the light of His Son on more and more in our community.
(October 2024)