Church family is all about being connected in Christ. Immanuel offers connections for people of a variety of ages and interests, from Vacation Bible School to Family Fun Night to Grey Heirs. Check out how you can connect with the body of Christ in the Immanuel Lutheran Church family.
Sunday Worship 8 am and 10:30 AM
Of course, the ultimate way to connect with the body of Christ is to commune with the body of Christ in the Divine Service.
Sunday School
Sunday School Class for children is at 9:15 AM each Sunday during the school year. Grades K3-5th grade
Adult Bible Study
Join us Sundays in the Sancturary at 9:15 AM.
Connect Through Service
You can serve with others each Sunday by being a Sunday School teacher, greeter, usher, nursery worker, or part of the Audio/Visual team.
Music and Choir
Those with musical talents can play and sing in worship services with instruments, handbell choir, and choir.
Braille Ministry
The Braille Ministry makes Braille Bibles for the blind.
The Quilters of Immanuel meet regularly to make lap quilts for the elderly and those in Lutheran hospice.
Grey Heirs
The Grey Heirs have regular outings and events which are open to people of all ages. See the latest in the Immanuel's Insights newsletter.Youth Group
Youth Group meets weekly at 9:15 AM. Grades 6-12. Other events include, service projects, fellowship events, trips and outings.Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School is a great opportunity for kids to have fun in the summer while learning about Jesus. Visit Immanuel's VBS page for more info.Family Fun Night
The Immanuel Family of all ages meet regularly for food, fun, and fellowship. Click here to see the latest events on the Family Fun Night Facebook page.Questions? Contact Us at 864-297-5815 or by email below
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