A cross with the words ministry plan in the background.

Ministry Plan


Because our Planning Process has one name—and the various Steps in the Process have other names—for the sake of clarity the only name I will use in this update is the Ministry Plan. The Ministry Plan is a document that will be the product of the first two Steps of our Planning Process and will be used to guide our decision-making in the future.

The Ministry Plan is where our conversations, meetings, prayers and ideas find a tangible result: a list of prioritized Goals for Immanuel. I am working on this Plan with Pastor Brath and a few members of the congregation. The Immanuel Church Council viewed the work to-date at its May meeting.

While still a work-in-progress, the Plan is organized into various Goals: Campus, Christian Education, Fellowship, Financial, Human Care, Ministry, Outreach, School, Staffing and Worship. Each Goal has one or more Strategies to accomplish the Goal: these are activities and projects assigned to groups in the congregation. Some of the Strategies are in the future; some are already in process, like exploring Online Giving, Adding a Worship Service, Sunday Hospitality and School Connections. My goal is to have the Ministry Plan ready to present to the Congregation in June.

One Strategy already in process is work on a Master Site Plan for Immanuel Lutheran Church & School, to give us a glimpse of what the Immanuel campus could look like in the future and to determine the best usage of our property and resources. Immanuel’s Campus Team was set up as a subset of the Council to help ensure that a variety of viewpoints are considered as we move forward in this process. This Team consists of:

Dana Emberton, President
Dave Houghton, Vice President
Catherine Benecke, Christian Education
Dan Thelen, Finance
Dick Sunderman, Facilities
Jeff VanUffelen, Immanuel Lutheran School

After several meetings with local firm McMillan Pazdan Smith, the Campus Team has shared the latest with the Council and has invited the Lead Architect for our project to present the Site Plan to the congregation, fielding comments and answering questions. You are invited to be part of this Informational Meeting that will take place following the Divine Service on Sunday, June 2. (No votes will be taken at this meeting.)

The school year is about to end and Summer is set to begin, but there is still plenty going on around Immanuel as we step into our future. Thank you for your prayers and faithful presence and stewardship. Please continue to lend your time, talents and treasures to the shaping the future of Immanuel Lutheran Church & School!

Pastor VanOsdol

Blog Note: New to Immanuel? Catch up on the entire VisionPath and Ministry Planning process to date here, here, here, here, here, and here.

A hand pointing to the word ministry mapping.

Planning Process Update


“Immanuel, God With Us, serving our neighbor
and one another with His love and

Here is the latest on the steps taken in our Planning Process during the month of April and what is to come in the month of May:

1) Rev. Billy Brath (LCEF Planning Facilitator) was onsite Tuesday, April 2, to work with us on Step Two (Ministry Mapping) of our Planning Process. More than 40 members of Immanuel’s Church Council and various Boards participated in a Ministry Mapping Workshop; Pastor Brath leading us through a creative process of examining and enhancing some of our ministries. Three groups began work on 3 Goals:

a. Expansion of Worship opportunities (an additional weekly Service and/or expanded worship space)
b. Hospitality (enhancing the Church & School visitor experience through improved traffic flow, signage, fellowship and facilities)
c. Creating ministry opportunities to Immanuel Lutheran School families (strengthening the Church/School connection)

2) After Easter, portions of the same 3 teams will be invited to get together again for further planning toward these Goals. Also after Easter, other Goals will be identified and teams assembled/assigned to address the Goals.

3 ) The Goals identified will become part of a Ministry Plan that will be presented to the congregation. Rev. Brath’s timelime calls for the Ministry Plan to be in place by the end of May.

4) An important piece of the Planning Process puzzle is an evaluation of our current resources, including land and facilities. As the last Master Plan for Immanuel is nearly 20 years old and many changes have come to the Church & School, Five Forks and our Woodruff Road corridor in the last two decades, it is important to have a current update to guide future growth and development. At the March 31 Voters’ Assembly a motion was passed to enlist the services of an outside firm to help us put together an updated Master Plan and resource assessment: a planning document and conceptualization of how Immanuel Lutheran Church & School might exist in the future. The firm of McMillan Pazdan Smith has been retained for this work and Immanuel’s Campus Team (Dana Emberton, Dave Houghton, Dan Thelen, Dick Sunderman, Doug Eggert, Catherine Benecke, Jeff VanUffelen, Pastor) had an initial meeting with this firm during Holy Week.

New to Immanuel? Catch up on the entire VisionPath and Ministry Mapping process to date here, here, here, here, and here.

Pastor VanOsdol

A hand pointing to the word ministry mapping.

A New Name to Know: Ministry Mapping

As February begins, so does the next Step in the planning process Immanuel has engaged through the Lutheran Church Extension Fund. And one thing to which to alert you is a new name.

Since September, we have been talking about VisionPath: the name for Step One in the planning process that has consisted of the Congregational Survey and Vision Event and culminated in a Vision Statement. This Step has involved much work by the VisionPath Leadership Team that was commissioned, specifically, for this Step in the process. This Step and their work now complete, I want to thank them for their work as we begin the next Step in the process.

As we move forward from VisionPath, the name you will now be hearing is Ministry Mapping. This is the name for Step Two in the planning process. Working with our Facilitator, Rev. Billy Brath, in the last days of January I began work on Ministry Mapping: work that will include developing a mission statement and congregational values and mapping the work the congregation is doing today. Now that we have the Vision Statement, I have some homework:

  • Answering the question what Immanuel Lutheran Church & School needs to be doing to make the Vision Statement a reality?
  • Defining some of the Values of Immanuel Lutheran Church & School

All of this is in preparation for Rev. Brath’s next visit to Immanuel on February 6, when he will meet with me and the staff members currently involved in the daily operations of the church and school.

As there are no events or activities involving the entire congregation for a few weeks, updates on the work going on will be given on Sunday mornings, in Council and Voters’ meetings and in this space. Stay tuned! And thank you for your interest in and enthusiasm for moving forward Immanuel’s mission and ministry!

Pastor VanOsdol

A dirt road with the words visionpath on it.

VisionPath is Underway!

Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

The Lord be with you.

As I write this, work is well underway for the VisionPath planning process to be put into place for Immanuel Lutheran Church!

Led by Co-Chairmen Dave Houghton and Paul Wagenknecht, your VisionPath Leadership Team connected with our Lutheran Church Extension Fund consultant, Rev. Billy Brath, to schedule the events and draft the congregational survey that will help us plan our future ministry.

After Labor Day, things will shift into a higher gear:

  • Our Leadership Team will be commissioned for their service ï‚·
  • The Congregational Survey will be distributed to allow all Immanuel members input regarding the congregation’s ministry ï‚·
  • We will be making preparations for our Congregational Impact Event—to be held in early October—when Pastor Brath will be with us to facilitate our discussion and planning

Every Sunday updates will be given to chart our progress. And watch for information on our website and Facebook page and in your email inbox.

As we thank God for the blessings showered on Immanuel in our past and present, please make every effort to lend your voice to the conversation about Immanuel’s future ministry.

To God alone be the glory!

Pastor VanOsdol