Unwrapping god good gifts' poster with a white background

Unwrapping God’s Good Gifts

On the last two Sundays of Epiphany—the last two Sundays before Lent begins—the Sunday Readings feature the Ten Commandments: the giving of them to Moses and Jesus expounding a few of them. This unfolded at the same time I was pondering a theme for our midweek Services of Lent, so I decided to make those Commandments the theme.

Doing so means that this year our theme will emphasize the original focus of the Season of Lent, as Lent began in the Early Christian Church as a time of instruction for those who were preparing for Baptism at Easter. The instruction of those “catechumens†focused more on Christian living than the Passion of Jesus. That will be our emphasis this year.

The wisdom of the Commandments—while Divine—can be known in part by simple human reason and should be heeded by any community, society or civilization that wishes to survive and flourish. But we see the Commandments also in the context of God’s grace in Christ, finding newer and richer meaning in them when viewed that way.

Thanks to Martin Luther and his Explanation of the Commandments in his Small Catechism, we see in the Commandments not just negative prohibitions—things we’re supposed to keep from doing—but works of love urged upon us. We can even see in the Commandments gifts God gives, wrapped in commands for their protection.

That will be my approach to the Ten Commandments on the Wednesday evenings of Lent: the gifts God gives, complete with instructions for their proper use. And the gifts are these: Family, Marriage, Life, Property, Speech and God Himself.

Please plan to gather with your Immanuel Family each of the Wednesdays in Lent—beginning Ash Wednesday, February 26—as we unwrap these good gifts God has given us and talk about their place in the Christian life. Meals will be served each Wednesday at 6:00 PM, followed by a Service at 7:00 PM.

Pastor VanOsdol

This little child, lowly birth shall be the joy of all the earth.

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel


December is a very busy month, filled with so many things to do by Christmas Eve. That
the Church would have additional Services during the month of December would seem
to add to the busyness. But that is not the intention of our Midweek Advent Services:
they are designed to be a refuge and to help us keep some perspective on the Season.

At 7:00 PM on the Wednesday evenings of Advent we will gather for Evening Prayer and
direct our thoughts to the message in the music: what we pray and proclaim when we sing
the beloved Christmas carol, “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.â€

This carol is 900 years old and its use in the Early Church and origin in the Scriptures is
even older. The carol has not only a glorious message but a long history as a way
Christian pilgrims on the Advent journey have prepared their hearts and minds to
celebrate Christ aright, by contemplating the work of the One who is hymned by us as:

Lord of Might
Branch of Jesse’s Tree
Key of David
Dayspring from on High
Desire of Nations

Journey with us each Wednesday evening in Advent (December 4, 11, and 18) as we
prepare our hearts and minds to celebrate Christmas aright, praying:

O come, O come, Emmanuel,
And ransom captive Israel,
That mourns in lonely exile here
Until the Son of God appear.
Rejoice! Rejoice!
Shall come to thee, O Israel!

Pastor VanOsdol

Poster of so many faces of people looking towards upward

What Do Lutherans Believe?


Have you ever wondered what Lutherans really believe? Or, what does it mean to be “Lutheran?”

What is a Confessional Lutheran? What are the Lutheran Confessions anyway?

What is the Reformation and why is it so important to Lutherans?

How is the Lutheran Church different from American Evangelicalism, the Roman Catholic Church, or Orthodox Church bodies? What is The Lutheran Church Missouri-Synod?

Whether you are new to exploring the Christian faith in the Lutheran tradition or are already a Lutheran, it is good to step back and ask the basic questions. Fortunately, there are answers. You can find a lot of good resources about what Lutherans believe at lcms.org, on the beliefs page, in the Frequently Asked Questions about the Bible, Doctrine, and Lutheran Confessions. You can even get a good primer on the history of the Reformation at LutheranReformation.org.

Once you’ve done all that, there may still be some things you ponder on and question. This is where Pastor Will Weedon comes in. He is formerly the Director of Worship and Chaplain of the International Center of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. Pastor Weedon gave Matt Whitman of  YouTube channel The Ten Minute Bible Hour a wonderful and informative introduction to the Lutheran Church at Saint Paul Lutheran Church and School in Hamel, IL where Pr. Weedon serves as Assistant Pastor and Catechist. Pr. Weedon sat for a detailed theological Question & Answer session with Matt, and probably answered some of your questions too. Whether you are new to Lutheran beliefs or have been a life-long Lutheran, you may learn something. Watch and listen:

Part 1:  An Outsider Visits a Lutheran Church

Part 2:  An Outsider Talks With a Lutheran Theologian (What do Lutherans Believe?)

Part 3:  Is Lutheranism the True Catholic Church? (and other stuff with a Lutheran Theologian)

If you want to hear more of Pastor Weedon teaching about Jesus, check out his daily podcast The Word of the Lord Endures Forever on Lutheran Public Radio or at thewordendures.org.

Matt Whitman shared thoughts about his visit with Andy Bates and Sarah Gulseth during The Coffee Hour on KFUO Radio. Check it out.

Matt demonstrated the best way to learn about Lutherans is to visit a Lutheran church. So, if you are in the greater Greenville-Spartanburg area of South Carolina, please stop by Immanuel Lutheran Church and School in Five Forks, a part of Simpsonville, SC, and visit us. You can get directions here, or just type 2820 Woodruff Road, Simpsonville, SC into your GPS. Be sure to subscribe to Immanuel’s YouTube Channel and Pod With Us Podcast to listen to the latest sermons.

Trust in the words of our Lord Jesus Christ when He says:

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.” (Matthew 7:7-8)

Peace be with you.


Joy / fully lutheranism.

2019 LCMS National Convention Review


Immanuel member Jonathan Anderson presented a review of the 2019 LCMS National Convention at Immanuel Lutheran Church-Five Forks in Simpsonville, SC on Sunday, August 18, 2019 . Jonathan served as the Lay Delegate for Circuit 19 of the Southeastern District at The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod triennial convention held July 20-25, 2019 in Tampa, FL. The Rev. David Hammer of Eternal Shepherd Lutheran Church in Seneca, SC served as the Circuit 19 Pastoral Delegate.

Video of the presentation is available on Immanuel’s YouTube channel at: https://youtu.be/hIsNYmIyD-Q

A Podcast of the presentation is available on Immanuel’s Pod With Us! podcast at: https://www.podbean.com/eu/pb-kfb3v-bc2bde

Presentation slides (PDF) are available here: 2019 LCMS National Convention Review – Jonathan Anderson – FINAL

Please contact Jonathan below if you have comments or questions or visit lcms.org/convention for comprehensive coverage of convention proceedings.

[contact-form to=’[email protected]’ subject=’2019 LCMS Convention Comment-Question’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Subject’ type=’url’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]


Stewardship poster with an open book image

Stewardship: How much should I give?


Whenever the topic of stewardship and giving comes up, the conversation inevitably turns to the question: “How much should I give?†Answers will vary because the motive behind such questions also vary.

Sometimes the motive behind asking this question is for self-justification. Even though, as Lutherans, we know we are not saved by our works but by grace through faith because of Jesus’ substitutionary atonement, the natural religion of fallen man is to earn God’s favor by what we do.

Take, for example, the response of our Lord to the rich young ruler who asked, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?†Jesus first tells him to keep the commandments. The rich young ruler responds by indicating that all this he has kept from his youth. But Jesus tells him that he lacks one thing: He must sell all he has and give it to the poor and then follow Him.

This rich young ruler went away sad because he was quite wealthy and could not part with his possessions. Here we see that those who seek to justify themselves by their giving will hear a response that intensifies the duty that God places upon them. Indeed, they will hear a response that makes it impossible to win God’s favor by their works.

But to those who genuinely desire to know their duty as Christians in the arena of giving, we look to the Bible for our answer. We believe the Bible is the Word of God. And we know that the Word of God has been “breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work†(2 Tim. 3:16–17).

So, we begin to answer the question, “What should I give?†with the question, “What does the Bible say about how much we should give and to whom?â€

The Old Testament is explicit. The expectation is that the people of God would give a tithe – 10 percent – of the first fruits of their labor to support the full-time ministry of the Levites. This is what the Lord gave Moses to teach the people:

“You shall tithe all the yield of your seed that comes from the field year by year. And before the Lord your God, in the place that he will choose, to make his name dwell there, you shall eat the tithe of your grain, of your wine, and of your oil, and the firstborn of your herd and flock, that you may learn to fear the Lord your God always.

“And if the way is too long for you, so that you are not able to carry the tithe, when the Lord your God blesses you, because the place is too far from you, which the Lord your God chooses, to set his name there, then you shall turn it into money and bind up the money in your hand and go to the place that the Lord your God chooses and spend the money for whatever you desire – oxen or sheep or wine or strong drink, whatever your appetite craves.

“And you shall eat there before the Lord your God and rejoice, you and your household. And you shall not neglect the Levite who is within your towns, for he has no portion or inheritance with you.

“At the end of every three years you shall bring out all the tithe of your produce in the same year and lay it up within your towns. And the Levite, because he has no portion or inheritance with you, and the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow, who are within your towns, shall come and eat and be filled, that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your hands that you do.†(Deut. 14:22–29)

This principle of tithing is carried over into the New Testament, though not explicitly by calling it a tithe. St. Paul teaches the Church at Corinth the following:

We are to give to the church regularly (1 Cor. 16:1–2), proportionally (1 Cor. 16:1–2; 2 Cor. 8:12), and generously (2 Cor. 8:20) of our first fruits (1 Cor. 16:1–2; Gen. 4:4; Prov. 3:9; Lev. 27:30) with a spirit of eagerness (2 Cor. 9:2), earnestness (2 Cor. 8:7), cheerfulness (2 Cor. 9:7), and love (2 Cor. 8:23). And all of this is because the “Lord has ordained that those who preach the Gospel should make their living by the Gospel†(1 Cor. 9:14), just as the Levites did.

This is our New Testament standard. Since Christ became poor for us in order to make us rich in Him – blessing us with the riches of heaven – so we have also been so blessed to follow the example of our Lord and Savior and give of ourselves and the work of our hands to bless others with the same.

If we have been lax in this, let us, like our Lord, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross and scorned its shame, likewise begin to work toward this goal of regular giving of a generous proportion of the first fruits of God’s giving to us.

And let us do so not begrudgingly, but for the joy set before us – with a spirit of eagerness, cheerfulness, and love – to share the blessings of God with those placed into our care.

LCMS Stewardship Ministry

A cross with the words ministry plan in the background.

Ministry Plan


Because our Planning Process has one name—and the various Steps in the Process have other names—for the sake of clarity the only name I will use in this update is the Ministry Plan. The Ministry Plan is a document that will be the product of the first two Steps of our Planning Process and will be used to guide our decision-making in the future.

The Ministry Plan is where our conversations, meetings, prayers and ideas find a tangible result: a list of prioritized Goals for Immanuel. I am working on this Plan with Pastor Brath and a few members of the congregation. The Immanuel Church Council viewed the work to-date at its May meeting.

While still a work-in-progress, the Plan is organized into various Goals: Campus, Christian Education, Fellowship, Financial, Human Care, Ministry, Outreach, School, Staffing and Worship. Each Goal has one or more Strategies to accomplish the Goal: these are activities and projects assigned to groups in the congregation. Some of the Strategies are in the future; some are already in process, like exploring Online Giving, Adding a Worship Service, Sunday Hospitality and School Connections. My goal is to have the Ministry Plan ready to present to the Congregation in June.

One Strategy already in process is work on a Master Site Plan for Immanuel Lutheran Church & School, to give us a glimpse of what the Immanuel campus could look like in the future and to determine the best usage of our property and resources. Immanuel’s Campus Team was set up as a subset of the Council to help ensure that a variety of viewpoints are considered as we move forward in this process. This Team consists of:

Dana Emberton, President
Dave Houghton, Vice President
Catherine Benecke, Christian Education
Dan Thelen, Finance
Dick Sunderman, Facilities
Jeff VanUffelen, Immanuel Lutheran School

After several meetings with local firm McMillan Pazdan Smith, the Campus Team has shared the latest with the Council and has invited the Lead Architect for our project to present the Site Plan to the congregation, fielding comments and answering questions. You are invited to be part of this Informational Meeting that will take place following the Divine Service on Sunday, June 2. (No votes will be taken at this meeting.)

The school year is about to end and Summer is set to begin, but there is still plenty going on around Immanuel as we step into our future. Thank you for your prayers and faithful presence and stewardship. Please continue to lend your time, talents and treasures to the shaping the future of Immanuel Lutheran Church & School!

Pastor VanOsdol

Blog Note: New to Immanuel? Catch up on the entire VisionPath and Ministry Planning process to date here, here, here, here, here, and here.

A picture of the miraculous mission logo.

Register Now! VBS 2019 is Miraculous Mission

Vacation Bible School 2019 Miraculous Mission: Jesus Saves The World takes off in Five Forks on Sunday, June 9th and returns from orbit on Thursday, June 13th. Dinner is at 5:30pm and VBS is 6pm to 8pm each day. Your kids (age 3 through 5th grade) will have fun learning about Jesus through games, crafts, songs, and more!

Register now! https://vbsmate.com/events/ImmanuelLutheranSC/17911

See promo video on Immanuel’s VBS page.

A hand pointing to the word ministry mapping.

Planning Process Update


“Immanuel, God With Us, serving our neighbor
and one another with His love and

Here is the latest on the steps taken in our Planning Process during the month of April and what is to come in the month of May:

1) Rev. Billy Brath (LCEF Planning Facilitator) was onsite Tuesday, April 2, to work with us on Step Two (Ministry Mapping) of our Planning Process. More than 40 members of Immanuel’s Church Council and various Boards participated in a Ministry Mapping Workshop; Pastor Brath leading us through a creative process of examining and enhancing some of our ministries. Three groups began work on 3 Goals:

a. Expansion of Worship opportunities (an additional weekly Service and/or expanded worship space)
b. Hospitality (enhancing the Church & School visitor experience through improved traffic flow, signage, fellowship and facilities)
c. Creating ministry opportunities to Immanuel Lutheran School families (strengthening the Church/School connection)

2) After Easter, portions of the same 3 teams will be invited to get together again for further planning toward these Goals. Also after Easter, other Goals will be identified and teams assembled/assigned to address the Goals.

3 ) The Goals identified will become part of a Ministry Plan that will be presented to the congregation. Rev. Brath’s timelime calls for the Ministry Plan to be in place by the end of May.

4) An important piece of the Planning Process puzzle is an evaluation of our current resources, including land and facilities. As the last Master Plan for Immanuel is nearly 20 years old and many changes have come to the Church & School, Five Forks and our Woodruff Road corridor in the last two decades, it is important to have a current update to guide future growth and development. At the March 31 Voters’ Assembly a motion was passed to enlist the services of an outside firm to help us put together an updated Master Plan and resource assessment: a planning document and conceptualization of how Immanuel Lutheran Church & School might exist in the future. The firm of McMillan Pazdan Smith has been retained for this work and Immanuel’s Campus Team (Dana Emberton, Dave Houghton, Dan Thelen, Dick Sunderman, Doug Eggert, Catherine Benecke, Jeff VanUffelen, Pastor) had an initial meeting with this firm during Holy Week.

New to Immanuel? Catch up on the entire VisionPath and Ministry Mapping process to date here, here, here, here, and here.

Pastor VanOsdol

Three crosses on a red background vector | price 1 credit usd $1.

Holy Week and Easter Schedule

Members & Friends of Immanuel:

The Lord be with you.

On Maundy Thursday, the Church begins the journey through the Three Holy Days of Christ’s Passover from death to life and captivity to freedom.

Thursday, April 18                  
Maundy Thursday

7:00 PM                                                  

Holy Communion and Stripping of the Altar

You are invited to observe Maundy Thursday with us in a Service that begins at 7:00 PM. The Maundy Thursday Service consists of the Liturgy of Reconciliation, the Service of the Word, the Service of the Sacrament and the Stripping of the Altar. The Service ends with the Altar and Chancel adornments being removed, while Psalm 22 is chanted, in preparation for Good Friday.

Friday, April 19                        
Good Friday

7:00 PM                                                   

Tenebrae: The Service of Darkness

The Church continues the journey with a Good Friday Service that begins at 7:00 PM. The Good Friday liturgy of Tenebrae (Darkness) features psalms, hymns, and a reading from the Old Testament’s book of Lamentations. This Service of reflection, intercession and quiet meditation ends in darkness as we watch and pray with Our Lord.

Saturday, April 20                   
Holy Saturday

8:00 PM                                                   

The Great Vigil of Easter

Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd in Greenville

Saturday evening at the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd (1601 N. Pleasantburg) is the first of the Easter celebrations. The Great Vigil of Easter has ancient roots and features candlelight, Old Testament Readings rehearsing God’s great salvation acts, Baptismal remembrance and the first hearing of the Easter Gospel. This is a joint Service offered by the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod congregations in Greenville (Good Shepherd), Simpsonville (Immanuel), Spartanburg (Lamb of God) and Anderson (Abiding Savior). The Easter Vigil begins at 8:00 PM.

Directions to LCGS Greenville

Sunday, April 21                      
Easter – The Resurrection of Our Lord

7:15 AM                                                  

Sunrise Service with Holy Communion

Easter at Immanuel begins with a Sunrise Service at 7:15 AM. This Service will begin outside the front doors of the church and feature a procession into the Sanctuary. The Lord’s Supper will be celebrated.

8:45 AM                                                  


Easter Breakfast will be served from 8:45-10:00 AM. (There will be no Sunday School or Adult Bible Class.)

9:30 AM                                                  

Easter Egg Hunt

For the children, there will be an Easter Egg Hunt at 9:30 AM.

10:30 AM                                                

Festival Service with Holy Communion

The Resurrection of Our Lord will again be celebrated in a Festival Service (with Holy Communion) at 10:30 AM on Sunday.

Directions to Immanuel in Five Forks

Watch, pray and, celebrate this holiest time of the year with our Lord and with your Immanuel family. A blessed Holy Week to you.

Pastor VanOsdol

RSVP to these events on Facebook.

Ash Wednesday

Members & Friends of Immanuel:

The Lord be with you.

On this day the Church begins a Season of reflection on Jesus’ Passion, Cross and Resurrection. Ash Wednesday is the first day in the annual 40-day journey of Lent. Our destination is the empty tomb and arriving at Easter with glad hearts, keeping the Feast “in sincerity and truth.”

Beginning tonight, Immanuel will offer Services the next 6 Wednesday evenings. Our 2019 Midweek theme is based on the Lenten hymn, “Lamb of God, Pure and Holy,” and will explore key passages in the Scriptures that focus on Jesus Christ as the LAMB OF GOD who takes away the sin of the world. Learn more about the theme and schedule here. View the events on facebook here. Tonight’s Liturgy will offer the Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion. Ashes are a sign of repentance, sorrow and our need for grace. Ashes will be available for all ages and are entirely voluntary.

Immanuel’s Church Council is preparing and serving a Pancake & Sausage Supper that begins tonight at 6:00 PM. The Ash Wednesday Liturgy begins at 7:00 PM.

Daily devotion booklets for Lent are available for your use on the desk in the Narthex. Or you can receive them in your email inbox by subscribing here: Lenten Devotions :: Lutheran Hour Ministries

Please join us as we mark the beginning of Lent.

O Lord, throughout these forty days
You prayed and kept the fast;
Inspire repentance for our sin,
And free us from our past.
(LSB 418:1)

Pastor VanOsdol