Online Service Instructions

“I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the LORD!â€â€ (Psalms 122:1)

Members and friends of Immanuel:

Going to the house of the LORD online is a blessing when we are not able to gather with the body of Christ in a church building. Our LORD is not limited by time or space when He says,
“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.†(Matthew 18:20)

Pre-recorded video and audio of services is available on the following websites:

If you would like to follow a Service outline, a PDF of the most recent Service Bulletins is viewable on Immanuel’s Podcast page while you watch or listen to the Service. And if you have a Lutheran Service Book at home, please speak and sing along.

To listen to the audio while following along in the Service Bulletin:

  1. Select the podcast you would like to hear. The top one is selected by default.
  2. Press play on the podcast player. If you select one below, it should play automatically.
  3. Scroll down to the embedded Service Bulletin PDF.
  4. View and scroll the Service Bulletin in the embedded box or click to make the PDF full screen. The audio should still play in the background. Please note you may need to tap within the embedded PDF box to get it to scroll if you are on a tablet or iPad.

The instructions for viewing the video on Immanuel’s Sermon Video page are similar except on mobile the video will automatically go full screen once you begin to play. It may not be possible to view a Service Bulletin while watching on the Sermon Video page, YouTube, or Facebook unless you have more than one browser window open on a desktop to access the bulletin on Immanuel’s podcast page. Viewing experiences will vary depending on the device you use and whether on desktop or mobile.

May God richly bless His Word into your hearts for the strengthening of your faith in Him.

Unwrapping god good gifts' poster with a white background

Midweek Lent 4 Service

“I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the LORD!â€â€ (Psalms 122:1)

Members and friends of Immanuel:

Going to the house of the LORD will for us in this time be quite different than to what we are accustomed. However, our LORD is not limited by time or space when He says,
“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.†(Matthew 18:20)

Pre-recorded video and audio of the Midweek Lent 4 Service will be available by 7pm this evening on the following websites:

If you would like to follow a Service outline, a PDF of the Service Bulletin is viewable on Immanuel’s Podcast page while you watch or listen to the Service. And if you have a Lutheran Service Book at home, please speak and sing along.

To listen to the audio while following along in the Service Bulletin:

  1. Select the podcast you would like to hear. The top one is selected by default.
  2. Press play on the podcast player. If you select one below, it should play automatically.
  3. Scroll down to the embedded Service Bulletin PDF.
  4. View and scroll the Service Bulletin in the embedded box or click to make the PDF full screen. The audio should still play in the background.

The instructions for viewing the video on Immanuel’s Sermon Video page are similar except on mobile the video will automatically go full screen once you begin to play. It may not be possible to view a Service Bulletin while watching on the Sermon Video page, YouTube, or Facebook unless you have more than one browser window open on a desktop to access the bulletin on Immanuel’s podcast page. Viewing experiences will vary depending on the device you use and whether on desktop or mobile.

May God richly bless His Word into your hearts for the strengthening of your faith in Him.

An image of a cross with the word update.

Statement Regarding Closure

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1)

Brothers & Sisters in Christ:

As I am sure you know by now, on Sunday Governor Henry McMaster closed the state’s schools through the end of March and limited public gatherings to 100 people or fewer (and the CDC has since recommended 50 or fewer).

Out of love for our neighbor and respect toward those God has given the office of governing, church leadership today has moved to suspend all Immanuel Lutheran Church & School activities through March 31. We will continue to monitor the situation each day and keep you updated, especially as the end of the month approaches.

We are currently working to coordinate an online Service ministry, so that God’s true and life-giving Word may continue to be shared with you on the Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings of Lent. The exact format of this ministry is still being determined.

Please check on your fellow members in the Immanuel family, especially those who are homebound and can receive no visitors. Remember in your prayers the medical professionals on the frontlines of this pandemic. And please call, text or email me with any critical pastoral care needs (864) 607-3496 and
[email protected].

The Lord bless you and keep you.
The Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you.
The Lord look upon you with favor and (+) give you peace.

Pastor VanOsdol

Update written in white color and black background

Church Schedule Sunday, March 15

Worship Services, Adult Bible Class, and Sunday School at Immanuel Lutheran Church will take place tomorrow as scheduled. Church leadership continues to monitor the spread of COVID-19 and would like to remind you to wash your hands frequently, cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough, and avoid touching your hands to your face. Good hand hygiene is the best way to protect yourself and others from COVID-19, influenza, and other respiratory illnesses. We would love for you to join us tomorrow, but if you are feeling at all sick, are at high-risk of respiratory infections, or are in any doubt about attending, please stay home. You will be able to view tomorrow’s sermon (along with many previous sermons) on our youtube channel which can be accessed via our website. We will continue to monitor DHEC recommendations and update you with any further changes.

Unwrapping god good gifts' poster with a white background

Unwrapping God’s Good Gifts

On the last two Sundays of Epiphany—the last two Sundays before Lent begins—the Sunday Readings feature the Ten Commandments: the giving of them to Moses and Jesus expounding a few of them. This unfolded at the same time I was pondering a theme for our midweek Services of Lent, so I decided to make those Commandments the theme.

Doing so means that this year our theme will emphasize the original focus of the Season of Lent, as Lent began in the Early Christian Church as a time of instruction for those who were preparing for Baptism at Easter. The instruction of those “catechumens†focused more on Christian living than the Passion of Jesus. That will be our emphasis this year.

The wisdom of the Commandments—while Divine—can be known in part by simple human reason and should be heeded by any community, society or civilization that wishes to survive and flourish. But we see the Commandments also in the context of God’s grace in Christ, finding newer and richer meaning in them when viewed that way.

Thanks to Martin Luther and his Explanation of the Commandments in his Small Catechism, we see in the Commandments not just negative prohibitions—things we’re supposed to keep from doing—but works of love urged upon us. We can even see in the Commandments gifts God gives, wrapped in commands for their protection.

That will be my approach to the Ten Commandments on the Wednesday evenings of Lent: the gifts God gives, complete with instructions for their proper use. And the gifts are these: Family, Marriage, Life, Property, Speech and God Himself.

Please plan to gather with your Immanuel Family each of the Wednesdays in Lent—beginning Ash Wednesday, February 26—as we unwrap these good gifts God has given us and talk about their place in the Christian life. Meals will be served each Wednesday at 6:00 PM, followed by a Service at 7:00 PM.

Pastor VanOsdol

Parish Administrator Job Opening

Immanuel Lutheran Church & School in the Five Forks area of Simpsonville, SC is seeking applicants for a Parish Administrator. Current weekly attendance is between 150 and 200 and trending upwards. An integral part of our ministry is a pre-school with an enrollment of 120. The Parish Administrator reports directly to the Pastor and congregational president. We seek candidates committed to our mission, “Immanuel, God With Us, serving our neighbor and one another with His love and forgivenessâ€. See the “I’m New†tab for more information about our congregation.

Basic responsibilities:

  • Determine the overall clerical requirements of the church office, the Pastor, and any church committees, and assure that these needs are met.
  • Schedule and coordinate with various personnel.
  • Encourage volunteerism by making direct requests to members and assure that all volunteers have appropriate assignments, training, and support.
  • Supervise and regularly evaluate all paid administrative and custodial personnel.
  • Assure that the church computer and information systems are up to date at all times.
  • Serve as a liaison to external social services.
  • Attend Council and School Board meetings.
  • Manage facility usage.
  • Work with the Trustees to assure a high level of housekeeping, grounds maintenance, and custodial services.
  • Assure timely publication of general advertising and marketing materials for the church.
  • Maintain a collegial relationship with the School personnel and families in order to promote the mission and vision of Immanuel Lutheran Church and School.
  • Candidate must be able to fulfill their responsibilities in accordance with the basic values and teachings of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod


  • A minimum of five years of experience in a management position with same or similar responsibilities, including supervisory responsibility.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills and interpersonal skills.
  • Strong financial management and organizational skills.
  • Proficient in appropriate clerical and financial software tools.
  • Experience managing and working with volunteers.
  • Education beyond high school (or commensurate life experience) with a bachelor’s degree preferred.
  • A devotional and prayer life that is an example to those with whom he/she interacts.

For more information about Immanuel Lutheran Church and School, explore our website.

To apply, please send a cover letter (two page maximum), resume, and salary expectations to [email protected].

Review of applications will begin in mid-March.

This little child, lowly birth shall be the joy of all the earth.

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel


December is a very busy month, filled with so many things to do by Christmas Eve. That
the Church would have additional Services during the month of December would seem
to add to the busyness. But that is not the intention of our Midweek Advent Services:
they are designed to be a refuge and to help us keep some perspective on the Season.

At 7:00 PM on the Wednesday evenings of Advent we will gather for Evening Prayer and
direct our thoughts to the message in the music: what we pray and proclaim when we sing
the beloved Christmas carol, “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.â€

This carol is 900 years old and its use in the Early Church and origin in the Scriptures is
even older. The carol has not only a glorious message but a long history as a way
Christian pilgrims on the Advent journey have prepared their hearts and minds to
celebrate Christ aright, by contemplating the work of the One who is hymned by us as:

Lord of Might
Branch of Jesse’s Tree
Key of David
Dayspring from on High
Desire of Nations

Journey with us each Wednesday evening in Advent (December 4, 11, and 18) as we
prepare our hearts and minds to celebrate Christmas aright, praying:

O come, O come, Emmanuel,
And ransom captive Israel,
That mourns in lonely exile here
Until the Son of God appear.
Rejoice! Rejoice!
Shall come to thee, O Israel!

Pastor VanOsdol

Poster of so many faces of people looking towards upward

What Do Lutherans Believe?


Have you ever wondered what Lutherans really believe? Or, what does it mean to be “Lutheran?”

What is a Confessional Lutheran? What are the Lutheran Confessions anyway?

What is the Reformation and why is it so important to Lutherans?

How is the Lutheran Church different from American Evangelicalism, the Roman Catholic Church, or Orthodox Church bodies? What is The Lutheran Church Missouri-Synod?

Whether you are new to exploring the Christian faith in the Lutheran tradition or are already a Lutheran, it is good to step back and ask the basic questions. Fortunately, there are answers. You can find a lot of good resources about what Lutherans believe at, on the beliefs page, in the Frequently Asked Questions about the Bible, Doctrine, and Lutheran Confessions. You can even get a good primer on the history of the Reformation at

Once you’ve done all that, there may still be some things you ponder on and question. This is where Pastor Will Weedon comes in. He is formerly the Director of Worship and Chaplain of the International Center of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. Pastor Weedon gave Matt Whitman of  YouTube channel The Ten Minute Bible Hour a wonderful and informative introduction to the Lutheran Church at Saint Paul Lutheran Church and School in Hamel, IL where Pr. Weedon serves as Assistant Pastor and Catechist. Pr. Weedon sat for a detailed theological Question & Answer session with Matt, and probably answered some of your questions too. Whether you are new to Lutheran beliefs or have been a life-long Lutheran, you may learn something. Watch and listen:

Part 1:  An Outsider Visits a Lutheran Church

Part 2:  An Outsider Talks With a Lutheran Theologian (What do Lutherans Believe?)

Part 3:  Is Lutheranism the True Catholic Church? (and other stuff with a Lutheran Theologian)

If you want to hear more of Pastor Weedon teaching about Jesus, check out his daily podcast The Word of the Lord Endures Forever on Lutheran Public Radio or at

Matt Whitman shared thoughts about his visit with Andy Bates and Sarah Gulseth during The Coffee Hour on KFUO Radio. Check it out.

Matt demonstrated the best way to learn about Lutherans is to visit a Lutheran church. So, if you are in the greater Greenville-Spartanburg area of South Carolina, please stop by Immanuel Lutheran Church and School in Five Forks, a part of Simpsonville, SC, and visit us. You can get directions here, or just type 2820 Woodruff Road, Simpsonville, SC into your GPS. Be sure to subscribe to Immanuel’s YouTube Channel and Pod With Us Podcast to listen to the latest sermons.

Trust in the words of our Lord Jesus Christ when He says:

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.” (Matthew 7:7-8)

Peace be with you.


A cross with the words ministry plan in the background.

Ministry Plan, Again


September brings with it the end of Summer and the beginning of a new school year and resumption of many other things that occupy our church and family calendars most of the year. This Fall at Immanuel, September also signals the beginning of a new chapter of congregational life as we consider a plan for our ministries into the future.

The Ministry Plan is a document I have been working on this Summer that is the product of the first two Steps of our planning process and will be used to guide our decision-making in the future. The Ministry Plan is where our conversations, meetings, prayers and ideas find a tangible result: a list of prioritized goals for Immanuel Lutheran Church & School.

The Immanuel Church Council will get a first look at the Plan at its September meeting. I will have a presentation on it at the September 29 Voters’ Assembly. But here’s a preview:

Our discussions over much of the last year have produced many ideas for evaluating, enhancing and adding to our ministries. These ideas have been grouped into six general themes called
Ministry Targets . The six Ministry Targets are these:

  1. We receive from God to empower our service to others
  2. We equip disciples of Christ to serve others
  3. We care for each other as a family
  4. We welcome the community to our campus
  5. We serve children and young families with God’s love and forgiveness
  6. We enhance and strengthen our ministries

Into these six categories our ideas have been organized, and out of these six categories have come both Staffing Needs (the people resources needed to carry out the Ministry Plan) and Campus Needs (the facilities needed to carry out the Ministry Plan ).

That’s a preview. For more, I invite you to attend the September 29 Voters’ Assembly. And as we get ever closer to taking the next step into our future as a congregation and school, I thank you again for your prayers and faithful presence and stewardship. Please continue to lend your time, talents and treasures to shaping the future of Immanuel Lutheran Church & School!

Pastor VanOsdol

Blog Note: New to Immanuel? Catch up on the entire VisionPath and Ministry Planning process to date, in chronological order, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

Joy / fully lutheranism.

2019 LCMS National Convention Review


Immanuel member Jonathan Anderson presented a review of the 2019 LCMS National Convention at Immanuel Lutheran Church-Five Forks in Simpsonville, SC on Sunday, August 18, 2019 . Jonathan served as the Lay Delegate for Circuit 19 of the Southeastern District at The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod triennial convention held July 20-25, 2019 in Tampa, FL. The Rev. David Hammer of Eternal Shepherd Lutheran Church in Seneca, SC served as the Circuit 19 Pastoral Delegate.

Video of the presentation is available on Immanuel’s YouTube channel at:

A Podcast of the presentation is available on Immanuel’s Pod With Us! podcast at:

Presentation slides (PDF) are available here: 2019 LCMS National Convention Review – Jonathan Anderson – FINAL

Please contact Jonathan below if you have comments or questions or visit for comprehensive coverage of convention proceedings.

[contact-form to=’[email protected]’ subject=’2019 LCMS Convention Comment-Question’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Subject’ type=’url’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]